The Journey

By Kim Deans

There are many paths we can take to reach an outcome or destination, not only one right way.  

If you were to embark on a journey to visit me here at “The Oasis” in northern New South Wales, Australia from Queensland your journey would take a completely different route from that of someone travelling from Victoria.  In addition each of these journeys would present you with various options of different roads you could take as you navigate to get here.   Regardless of which roads you travel you would still arrive at the same destination.  

The length of time it takes for you to arrive will depend on where you started your journey from, what roads you followed, the detours you took and the flat tires you got along the way.  It is physically impossible to follow the same path to “The Oasis” from these vastly different starting places.  If you decided to give your power away to a navigational GPS rather than use your own ability to read a map and work out your preferred route you may have ended up unintentionally taking the long way here. 

Right now as I write this, the journey to The Oasis from Queensland or Victoria could not even happen due to border closures due to the pandemic.  There have been other times that closed roads due to flooding, trees down, accidents or road works would have interfered with the journey.   

We each start the journey of reinventing our business to achieve regenerative outcomes from a unique context comprised of the land, the climate, the people and the business we are working with.  Our context will determine our starting point and the best strategy or road map for navigating the journey ahead for our unique situation.  

As we navigate our regenerative agriculture transition there could be road blocks we will bump up against that require us to stretch out of our comfort zone and confront some difficult realities.  Instead of a familiar, well-travelled path of making excuses for all the reasons we cannot change, we choose to take a new path of committing to becoming who we need to be to create the regenerative landscape, business and life we desire. 

Our journey will present us with our own unique potholes and detours that contain within them what we most need to learn and grow.  Our journey will bring up our self-limiting beliefs and sabotages.  It will demand for us to understand ourselves and reinvent ourselves to become who we need to be to create our vision for the next grandest version of our life, relationships, business and landscape.  

There is no one right way to travel and there is actually really no ultimate end point or destination on the reinvention journey.  This is a path of life-long learning and continual evolution.  Our map for our unique journey is contained within our people, landscape and business.  

A coach can be your guide and instead of taking you on their journey they will empower you to access your road map to navigate your journey.   Do you want to travel your journey or someone else’s?  The choice is yours.  

Want to know more about our coaching programs?  Drop us a line for a chat.     


Reinvention starts from within


Demystifying Coaching