A planning process can be a foundation to working smarter not harder.  We are all individuals and I regularly see people trying to fit themselves into a planning system that someone else loves and has recommended that completely misses the mark for their thinking and planning style.  This does not mean you aren't good at planning, it means you haven't found the system that works best for you yet.   

These yearly and quarterly planning templates are not intended to be one size fits all planners.  I believe that there is no one single best planning system.  The best system is the one YOU will actually use.   I share this template freely with email subscribers and clients so you can try a planning process for yourself.  The only way to work out the planning system that works for you is to give planning a go and see what best supports you.  We don't learn to drive in a parked car, its the same for improving our effectiveness!

These planning templates are designed to build in regular review processes, a vital part of any effective planning process is making time to review, notice our progress (not just all the things we haven't done yet!) adjust and stay on track.  Give it a try and see how it fits for you.

Subscribe to our email list to receive an email with a link to download your free Yearly and Quarterly planning templates.

If you are feeling pulled from pillar to post trying to get everything done and the very thought of planning leaves you feeling more overwhelmed than ever, working with a coach can help.  Improving time management and effectiveness is a common benefit my farm business coaching clients experience.  Incorporating insights from whole brain thinking and working with your own unique context, coaching is an effective way to go from overwhelmed to improved clarity and focus.

Email Kim Deans to arrange a time for a FREE, no obligation 30 minute chat to see if working together is a good fit.